Thursday, December 27, 2007
Merry Christmas
Friday, December 14, 2007
Scan Results: Stable - "More or Less"

Thursday, December 06, 2007
"Tis the Season

Not much is new with me, which in my world, counts as GOOD NEWS! Today is a day that I would usually be back at the cancer clinic, getting more chemo, but as you already know, I have had my lifetime limit of Adriamycin related drugs, and so I must switch to a different chemo. And, we've just had a little delay getting a CT scan, I guess they are very backed up.... so I am having a few days chemo "Vacation" .......
I will be having the CT on December 12, and then I see my oncologist Dec. 14. Based on the CT results we will decide which drug to try next and also when to begin the new regime. Of course I would love to have the Christmas holidays off and chemo free, but the truth is, that I am content to do whatever I must do, so if that means more chemo immediately, so be it.....
I'm feeling a little better - I've finally had that massage therapy and it worked miracles for my shoulder and back pain. I will definitely keep that up and hope for a good resolution to the muscle pain. I am about the same in the breathing department (which means that I continue to be fine while I am sedentary, but very short of breath when I try to do even modest activity, like walk across the room.).
Believe it or not, I am really enjoying the Christmas season. I am so blessed because so many people are looking out for us..... My friend Anne and my mom decorated our house and put up the tree..... Mom and my aunt (and friend) Peggy have been baking Christmas cookies for us (and I find this a huge gift and relief since I do still want to make Christmas as "usual" as possible for my kids. The internet has been my "mall" for Xmas shopping, and between Gord and mail order we are doing well there......Our tree is in my sunroom this year, and so my surroundings are very very pleasant. I wish I could be more active in the preparations as it is somethign I've always enjoyed, however, when I remove that from my worry list, I'm having a fairly perfect Christmas season. One great thing about this time of year is that it is EASY to find joy in something on every single day....... these "todays" are indeed "sweet".........
I will keep you posted with the results of the tests and the next plan for chemo. In the meantime, I certainly wish everyone a joy filled holiday season.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Grey Cup
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Go Riders Go !!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007
I received this beautiful orchid plant back for my birthday October 19 (which is when this photo was taken). Amazingly, it is still alive, fresh, unwilted, and every one of those little buds you see has blossomed into another beautiful bloom. Just amazing. I received it from my Aunt Lorna Mae and Uncle Tom, and I am especially thinking of them and all of their family this weekend.
It is a cold, snowy, grey day here, not what could really be consdered beautiful, but I find that these days, when I wake up, almost every day looks beautiful to me, maybe that is one good thing about being in somewhat rough conditions.
I did have chemo on Friday (good news, I recovered from the pnuemonia enough to go ahead)..... it was my 8th of that drug mix, and likely the last, as a body can only stand so much of the one drug. It's a little scary for me as I am at least staying stable on this one..... fear of the unknown is always hard to cope with. However, I always know that no matter what, there will be beauty to see in every circumstances.
Best wishes to all of you - I'll be laying low for awhile, just the usual post-chemo recovery, and I am sad to report that I am still trying to manage a very painful back and shoulder. I begin massage therapy on Monday, and am hoping that will help or at least find what might be exaggerating the pain I've been having in that area all along.
Here's to the beauty all around us, and in each of us. Joanne
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Doing Well
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Happy 16th Birthday Brian
Gord and Brian are headed out to the last "Riders" game of the season. It's a "Brisk" prairie day today, hence the numerous layers of clothing!
And yes, it is hard to believe that my "baby" turns 16 today. I am so proud and grateful to see what a really wonderful young man he is turning into. He is intelligent and thoughtful and he is coping very very well with the stressful circumstances life has already thrown his way. He also has a very quiet and almost dignified way about him, which he definitely did NOT get from me, but it is very rewarding to observe anyway!
I'm very grateful to be home from the hospital on his birthday, an unexpected gift for me !!!
Cheers to all, and thanks for all the good wishes!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Home From the Hospital
My next chemo will be pushed back by a week to give me extra recovery time, so I get a little bonus "break" from the chemo grind.
Not much else..... I'll be resting lots and laying low while I recover from this latest little bump in the road !!!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
November 1, 2007
Joanne went back to hospital on Tuesday night with an elevated temperature. After a night of waiting in an isolation room she was admitted to the Cancer ward at Pasqua Hospital on Halloween morning. After several tests and several more hours of anxious waiting, we finally found out that she has pneumonia. Luckily it was caught and treated early (even before it was known exactly what it was). There are only a couple of small spots so things aren't as bad as they could be. She is resting well and hopes to be home soon. Unfortunately she will have to stay in hospital for at least a few days.
Thanks to Eileen for all her help.
Hacker Gord
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Every once in awhile there is a tiny snag.....

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Stable !!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Scans coming up

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Chemo today .....

I had a good check-up. My oncologist says my lungs sound excellent (his exact words), and there is no additional fluid that he can detect. I was delighted to hear this, since I've actually been coughing quite a bit lately, of course I was worrying a little.... but it appears that my lungs still sound to be in good shape.
After this chemo cycle, I will have more scans - a CT scan to check the disease progression, and a MUGA scan (to check for heart damage, a possible side effect of the type of chemo I am on). After these scans he will decide what is next, but it will likely be another 2 rounds before switching to a different drug....
That's all the news for now. Otherwise, everyone in the family is well and coping pretty well right now. Cheers to all.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Not much new !

Thursday, September 06, 2007
CT Scan Results

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Checking In.....

Happy days are here in Regina. For the non-Canadians, our long suffering football team (Saskatchewan Roughriders) are having a #1 season for the first time in about 30 years........ Above are my niece and nephew, Kate and Niall when they attended Sunday's football game here in Regina.
No news yet for me. I had the CT scan yesterday and it went very smoothly actually. I will find out the results tomorrow when I go in for my next chemo treatment. I will post about it as soon as I can.
Cheers to all. Go Riders Go....... Joanne
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Another "weekend" moment

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Weekend to End Breast Cancer
Saturday, August 11, 2007
"Chapters" outing
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
RCMP kids

This is my son (Craig) and my nieces Heather, Laurel and Holly at the RCMP Heritage Centre here in Regina. Kelly and the girls were here in July. They had lots of fun touring around Regina, believe it or not.... went to all kinds of places that a person who lives here never does!
I am doing OK..... am now in the second half (the good half) of the chemo cycle. Some days are better than others, but for the most part I am breathing comfortably. Still have not made it to Chapters or anywhere else..... good thing my bed is in my sunroom.... makes it tolerable to be in bed 24/7 as it is a very lovely space and I might be driven crazy if I was off in some dark bedroom........
Thanks all for your continued support
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Happy 50th Anniversary to Arnie and Jenny Schweitzer
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Blood Transfusion Today

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Weekend to end breast cancer 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007
To the birds
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Summer at 26 Selkirk Crescent
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Michelle's favourite friends........
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Michelle flies back to Winnipeg to get back to her job (lifeguard at Fun Mountain water park). Gord and the boys are headed with Peggy and her kids to spend a couple of days in San Francisco. My boys will then head straight back to Regina. I'm so glad that they've had this wonderful holiday and were able to spend more family time together with the extended family. We all feel a tremendous amount of support from these loving relatives.
As for me, it is Day #4 of my second chemo cycle of Myocet and Cytoxin. I should feel less of the effects of that in a day or two.... Starting Monday, I will be receiving shots of "Neupogen" to stimulate my white blood cell production..... this should prevent me landing in the hopsital again with low blood counts.... and it will make me less susceptible to every little germ or bug around. Good news.
I feel about the same, the shortness of breath and pain from my collapsed lung is about the same, but my homecare team is really helping me get my medication schedule sorted out so that it is as best it can be. I do not feel worse, which I choose to take as a good sign, but I am still not mobile, need to use the oxygen, my wheelchair, and my hospital bed to keep me breathing in comfort.
However, I am getting used to this new reality. It really is a miracle how adaptive we all are, when circumstances leave us no choice. This has been a very difficult transition to make for me, physically and emotionally, and I am grateful to all of you for being so supportive, and respecting my needs at this time.
Cheers for now - Joanne
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
"What can we do to help? "

However, we keep being asked, So.......... I thought I'd give a little status update.
Thanks friends, for considering this unique way to show support of me.
Monday, July 02, 2007
At home again

Friday, June 29, 2007
Joanne Update...

Gord is back in Winnipeg today, helping Craig move out of his apartment and return back to Regina for the summer. In his place, Joanne asked me to post a message on her blog. For those of you that don’t know me, I am Joanne’s brother, Darryl.
Joanne is still in the hospital but I am glad to report that she is stable and improving. She has had a tough few days but her blood counts are improving, her pain is being managed and her fever is under control. Assuming that she remains stable, she will likely be able to return home in the next few days.
Her spirit and determination are as remarkable as ever!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Joanne moved to hospital
Hi I've hacked into this blog to provide an update on Joanne's condition.
Today Joanne was admitted to the oncology ward at Pasqua Hospital. She is having some problems with intermittent fever and to be safe she has been admitted and is on I.V. antibiotics.
She is still in pain as the plural effusion has increased again but they are medicating the pain. She is resting comfortably in a private room but visiting privileges are limited.
Joanne's hemoglobin is very low so she is getting a blood transfusion either later today or tomorrow.
For now we will both be away from the house during the day and at the hospital in the evening so we won't be answering the phone. Please correspond with us using this blog.
Hacker Gord.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
A week of changes can change your life!
This is my new view, and I am lucky that I have such a beautiful sunroom to have such a good view in!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
"Progression" and "Pleural Effusion"... two bad news words for a gal with Stage IV cancer.

As I mentioned last week, I was not expecting great news from my CT scan based on the fact that I have been having increased symptoms. The only bit of good (?) news this week is that I was correct!
In fact, my CT scan showed some new spots of cancer in my lungs. Although the drug was holding the existing spots at bay, and no new areas have been affected, this is still NOT GOOD ENOUGH, and a treatment change is in order.
I will begin a new regime tomorrow, Myocet and Cyclophosphmaide. Myocet is an encaspulated version of Adriamycin, a very powerful drug I had way back in 2001. It is a tough chemo, but the encaspulated version is designed to stay in the body longer, and seek out cancer cells, leaving fewer 'normal" cells damaged. We will see. I expect a bit of a tough ride.
Pleural Effusion: fluid has now built up in the pleural cavity (which surrounds the lungs). This is not uncommon with advanced cancer in the lungs. Yesterday I had quite a bit of that fluid drained in a procedure called "thoracentesis". Unfortunately, my procedure did not go as planned, and they were unable to remove all of the fluid, which means I will likely have to have another one sometime soon.
So, it was quite a long, sad day yesterday. We have cancelled our mother daughter cruise which we were to take this weekend, and I will have a DIFFERENT kind of weekend ahead.
SO, that is the update, I wish I had better news to report. As always, we draw strength from the love, good wishes and prayers of our family and friends. The love and kindness shown to us really does help lift us back to our feet so that we can keep moving forward. Thanks you to all our wonderful supportive family and friends.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Lovely Montreal

At any rate, it was a beautiful event, a beautiful couple, and I and my family rejoice with this latest marriage. It was especially gratifying for me to be able physically to attend the event. Although I missed some major action, belly dancing included, I feel lucky to have been present to share in the day and to see so many of my amazing family members.
For me, it is action week.... tomorrow (Wednesday) I have the CT scan that will determine how I am actually doing. Given my own assessment of my physical state, I am pretty sure that the best I can hope for will be a stable situation. I fear I am too symptomatic right now to enjoy any reduction in disease. However, the CT will tell the story, and I meet with my oncologist Monday to determine next steps.....
The reduced dosage of Xeloda has provided relief from pain in my feet, although the skin is cracked and peeling, I think it is improving. So that is a good thing! And, today was my last day of Cycle 6 of the drug, so the next week "off" chemo is a welcome thing too.
As the saying goes, I am "hanging in there".......
Cheers Joanne
Monday, May 28, 2007
ALthough I look bored and morose........

Monday, May 21, 2007
Me in my sunroom

Sunday, May 06, 2007
Woo Hoooooooooooo the "girls" are cruising

Kelly and I got set on going on a "scrapbooking cruise" after we created Dad's birthday book, we got 'bitten' by the croppin' bug..... at any rate, we were all set to do a scrapbook cruise - with Mom, Karen Kelly and Joanne...... Sails from L.A. port and just 3 nights.... includes a day stop at Ensenata and cruising the rest of the time. Yippeee....
(OK, small detour, we couldn't make it on the scrapbooking cruise, but we are cruising anyway! We got a fantastic bargain on the fare, airfare, etc.... and we are GOOD TO GO.... Kelly is now the scrapbooking instructor, I am the cruise director, mom is the ultimate decision maker and queen poo-bah.... Karen will make sure we don't get arrested.... uh, Karen, of note in photo above, no glass bottles in the pool, could you keep control of your group, please!!!!
My health has been a bit of a disappointment, no change from last Monday. Side effects from Xeloda are accumulating, making some challenges.....
Anyway........ Get ready to cruise wity us!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Spring in Regina
Cheers to all, and thanks for looking in on me!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
A New Week Ahead
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Detour - another blasted trip to ER

The above picture, of course, is generous, the actual number of medical personnel I came into contact with after 6 hours was actually very scanty and they weren't smiling either. Actually, the lab and x-ray techs were very cheerful, the rest, not so.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Monday Update
So, on this Monday, well...... everyone in my house has been sick with quite a bad cold & cough.... Michelle and Craig too..... I seem to be spared the worst of it, but I do have a sore throat and a bit of congestion and extra cough (which sucks since that is also a symptom of my lung status, it plays with my mind).
Gord recovered quite well, but Brian has actually stayed home from school even after Easter Break, and is feeling really tough. So we are mostly laying low, watching movies and keeping it low key.
The U of M pair are in the midst of finals... I'm looking forward to seeing them when they are done!
That's it for now... Joanne
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Scan results: Stable

Well, that's the word: no change since the last scan. Although it seems odd, this is a "good" news scenario, since at the very least, the Xeloda is working to keep the cancer from growing. Of course, "better" news would be for all the cancer to disappear, but that is a bit of a reach for just 3 cycles of a gentler chemo. I do still have some symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) so this result is more or less what I expected, and I am very grateful that the disease has been halted, at least for the moment. AND.. everything else (liver, bone etc...) remains clean.
So, my oncologist (Dr. Chal Chal) is very happy with both the results and with my improved functioning. And I am doing better on a daily basis, just doing the ordinary things of life. He is optimistic for continued improvement, and will rescan after 3 more cycles.
So, I continue with the same chemo, Xeloda, same dose.... I will likely have a bit of trouble with my feet, but we will keep the dosage as high as possible for as long as possible.
Thank you to everyone who keeps checking in on me and for your posts, too.... I feel like a very ordinary person, just doing what each of us would do in the same circumstance, so I feel that praise is unwarranted and I can't really imagine you are talking about me! But it is so nice to see your responses.....
So, for me it is a time of gratitude and patience. "Hope is patience with the lamp lit" - Tertullian.
Cheers - Joanne
Monday, April 02, 2007
Shopping fun
Happy Easter all... I will check in next week with the results of my CT scan.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Happy Birthday Mom and Dad
We celebrated Mom and Dad's birthday a day early, on St. Patrick's Day, since Darryl and I had flights home on the actual birthday! The photo shows two of my nieces, Laurel and Heather, and my dad and mom.....
Thanks to everyone who contributed to my dad's 70th birthday "book"... it turned out really great and I am pretty sure it will be treasured.
Darryl and I had a great (short) trip to Phoenix to be there for the birthdays.... Darryl flew through Calgary so I had assistance for the flights, and that was great, plus, he then had the pleasure of my company !!!
Medical updates: I am in the middle of Cycle 3 of Xeloda....... feeling about the same, still some cough and shortness of breath and I need a lot of sleep..........
Upcoming: CT scan April 5, results April 10, keep your fingers crossed because all in all this is a tolerable chemo regime, probably the most "easy" chemo I have been on....
Monday, March 12, 2007
"Week Off" Xeloda.....
It is warm and sunny in Regina, but NOT THIS NICE.... this was a photo from our Phoenix vacation last month...... the "boys" were enjoying the bumper boats....
Well, I have already completed two rounds of Xeloda, and although I definitely feel a bit crappy on the days I take the medication, it is very tolerable overall. And on this first day of my week "off" I am actually feeling quite spry for a change. I was even out for a few errands today after my bloodwork.
And it is great to be out right now in Regina, it is warm and melting everywhere, sunny and pleasant... likely temporary, but spring is in the air....
That's the update for this week, I'm hoping to continue to feel better.......