Michelle flies back to Winnipeg to get back to her job (lifeguard at Fun Mountain water park). Gord and the boys are headed with Peggy and her kids to spend a couple of days in San Francisco. My boys will then head straight back to Regina. I'm so glad that they've had this wonderful holiday and were able to spend more family time together with the extended family. We all feel a tremendous amount of support from these loving relatives.
As for me, it is Day #4 of my second chemo cycle of Myocet and Cytoxin. I should feel less of the effects of that in a day or two.... Starting Monday, I will be receiving shots of "Neupogen" to stimulate my white blood cell production..... this should prevent me landing in the hopsital again with low blood counts.... and it will make me less susceptible to every little germ or bug around. Good news.
I feel about the same, the shortness of breath and pain from my collapsed lung is about the same, but my homecare team is really helping me get my medication schedule sorted out so that it is as best it can be. I do not feel worse, which I choose to take as a good sign, but I am still not mobile, need to use the oxygen, my wheelchair, and my hospital bed to keep me breathing in comfort.
However, I am getting used to this new reality. It really is a miracle how adaptive we all are, when circumstances leave us no choice. This has been a very difficult transition to make for me, physically and emotionally, and I am grateful to all of you for being so supportive, and respecting my needs at this time.
Cheers for now - Joanne
Lovely picture of the family, tey all look great in the wedding togs.
I'm glad ypu've been able o enjoy the day from a distance.
I'm glad you're being helped to be as comfortable as circumstance will allow. Hope the shots will help too.
Much love as ever
Thanks for the update...you know me and medical jargon!!Geez , the boys are tall - and Michelle is beautiful as always. Say HI to Gord.
Hi Joanne, Thanks for sharing this beautiful picture of your family. They all look great. I am so glad that you are comfortable and that you are surrounded by love at home and from afar. We are all hoping that this round of chemo is easier for you. We will continue to pray for you to regain your strength to be able to enjoy your family.
Sending you many hugs and much Love, Loretta, Dave and Hayley
Hi Joanne (and Eileen & Jim), Glad you are getting to enjoy this weekend's events through Darryl's reports/photos. We are so happy that your family and the rest of the "Condons" were able to join us for this happy event. You have been in our thoughts and prayers as usual. Hope those blood counts stay up and that the effects of the chemo will lessen over the next few days. With much love, Nick and Lorraine
Lovely family is right! They're beautiful. I'm thrilled they had a chance to take part in the wedding, even though it would have been hard to leave you.
I hope those Neupogen shots do the trick and you're feeling better soon. Good luck this week.
Wow what a beautiful picture. Michelle is so tall. Craig looks very dapper in his suit. Brian is catching up in size to Gord and Craig. I will share this picture with the children they will be thrilled to see your family. I am glad you were able to receive your chemo as scheduled. Always in our prayers. Judy
Thanks for the udpate. I can't believe how tall the boys are! Glad to hear that this chemo round is going as well as can be expected.
Hi Joanne, You are an amazing woman. I think about you, miss you and pray for you and your very lovely family. Kate, our eldest was married on the 23rd of June. It was a very lovely wedding and the room was filled with 200 people and a whole lot of love. A wedding is a very special "family" time. There was a real sense of "community" in the room with Kate and Craig as I am sure there was in California. I will share a Latte with you virtually (in my mind). Love to you - Claire
Hello! What a wonderful picture of your family. I hope that you are getting your strength back after the chemo last week. Looking forward to your next book review. Take care. Thinking about you and yours.
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