This is not a pitch for donations.... I know that many of you here have already donated, or you have many other worthy causes which you support.
I just want to honor my "team", the 2006 version is shown above - my sister in law, Karen, my brother Darry, neice Heather Sherlock (then age 12) and my sister Kelly. This year, they are joined by my brother-in-law Gary and by my neice Holly.
I am humbled and astounded that they are willing to make the effort both to raise the large sum of donations required ($2000/pp) as well as making that long long walk, rain or shine.
Please read their stories at the Joanne's team pages of the walk...... http://www.endcancer.ca/site/TR?team_id=24796&pg=team&fr_id=1203 I know they inspire and touch me.... and if by chance you have not made a donation, I think the grown-ups are doing fine, but the girls are a little behind.
Thanks you to Holly, Heather, Kelly, Gary, Darryl, Karen. You are heroes to me.
P.S. Day #3, Round #3 of chemo, a feel lousy, but sentimental and sappy sort of day!
Hi Joanne,
Kudos to "Joanne's Team" - I hope the funds roll in for these brave walkers. There are thousands taking part in the Walk in Calgary this weekend. I have double the admiration as, not only are they walking 60 kilometres, they are doing it in extreme heat! Bless their hearts - all of them. I sincerely hope that you are feeling less lousy today. When you are feeling really tired and discouraged, I hope the support and prayers of all of us helps to lift your spirits a bit. With much love, Nick and Lorraine
Hi Jo,
Thanks for the very kind post.
Taking part in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer is an incredible priviledge. We appreciate all of the support and encouragement that we receive from friends and family. To date we have received about 125 donations. Sore feet, shins and blisters are a drop in the ocean compared to the toil of chemo. We walk to raise necessary research funds, but also to demonstrate our intense pride for way in which you face these battles. Your strength keeps us going.
All that participate in this blog as well as those that support you in other ways are members of "Joanne's Team". We just happen to be the ones walking.
Thanks again for your support, Joanne, as well as for those others who support us.
We are all very grateful.
Good luck to your team Joanne I'm sure they'll go you proud!
My neighbour just did the Moonwalk here, a marathon across Edinburgh at night for bc rsearch.
Hi Joanne,
Just wanted to say a quick hello. Enjoyed your squirrel story, & the responses! My contribution is...watch out for mice..they love the unopened seeds that fall to the ground. But perhaps the squirrels will beat them to it!!
We will be away from Aug 4 - 22 (with no internet), but you won't be far from our thoughts and prayers.
Hope the Regina humidity has decreased.
Your team is great, what a gift of awesome support.
Rest comfortably, will check in on our return. Marilyn & Brian
Dear Joanne;
I wanted to let you know that my sister and I walked together (The Pink Ribbon Club Campaign) in the 'Weekend to End Breast Cancer' here in Calgary on July 28th and July 29th. It was record hot temperatures of 38C, but we walked on, knowing that those with Breast Cancer endure so much more. We raised over $5700. I was thinking of you through most of the walk... hoping that you would feel the strength, the determination and the drive of all the women who gathered to show their commitment to this cause. We even had a team of 12 men (12 Men Abreast) wearing kilts. It brought a smile to a lot of faces....
Love, Michele
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