I am back at home again, and hopefully it "sticks".
After my kudos to our health care system, I can safely give my one current big beef, which is the entire ER system. Doesn't matter where I live or which one I go to, they are all a big nightmare, and at all costs I would like to stay out of them. Hopefully my temperature cooperates.
I will write more as I am able. Right now my fatigue level is high, my pain is managed, and my breathing is much better managed as well. I am quite comfortable, but I am also emotional and overwhelmed, and I still feel like I don't know what will happen next.
My next chemo treatment is this Thursday and so I will be gathering my emotional and physical resources to get through that. Right now I am not very capable of doing much by way of visiting or talking to people. I hope that I find that that energy returns to me, but in the meantime, I'd like to express my appreciation for your continued warm and loving responses here on this blog. I will appreciate it if you continue to communicate in that way.
For a more private message, my email address is jschweitzer@sasktel.net. I am not at the computer regularly, but will do my best to keep up.
Hey Joanne good news, so glad to hear that you're back at home. We're so thankful you were able to get the help you needed and that things have improved. We hope you are able to rest well at home and that you are strong enough for Thursday. We continue to pray for you and your family and hope that you are able to feel our support across the miles. Wishing you all God's blessings!
Hi, Glad to hear you are at home again. Thanks for updating even though I am sure you are exhausted. We're praying for you and sending you our love every minute. Take Care
Happy to hear you are home and feeling more comfortable.
HI Joanne, I am thrilled to hear that you are at home again. I am sure that everyone is so happy to have you back in your own surroundings. I am praying that you are strong for Thursday. I hope that you can feel lots of hugs and love from Calgary and please keep drinking those Lattes.
Much Love, Loretta
Hi Joanne,
It's great to hear that you are back home and feeling better. I'm sure you'll gather all the energy it takes to get through your next chemo treatment. Hopefully there will not have to be a trip to the ER this time (we too have had some nightmare experiences in the ER - I agree that they all suffer from the same inefficiences). We will be thinking about you and send our hope-filled love! Nick & Lorraine
Hello, Joanne.
It's good to see you home again! Hope you're getting caught up on your rest. We leave for Calgary today so will be away from our computer. We're praying for you and your family that everything will go well this Thursday. We wish you peace and tranquility as you chart a course through these unknown waters. John & Patsy
Good morning Joanne. Thanks so much for writing in your blog - The hackers were fine, HAHA, but to hear from you is great !!
This week is supposed to be around 30 above - so you will be able to soak of some rays of enery in your sun room. We wish you an uneventful treatment on Thursday, and we will be thinking about you.
Love P & G
Hey don't worry about anything other than resting up for Thursday.
I can't begin to imagine what a rough time the last few days must have been.
I hope you find some nice diverting things to do. Maybe some good old movies on cable and some great chocolate.
Support and love beaming out from a rainy old Scotland.
BTW I meeting the Queen on Friday!
She's coming to the big garden that I help out in. I'll say hi for both of us!
Hey Jo!
Welcome home. And Cheers! Isn't cyberspace wonderful? Where else can we *clink* *clink* our foam starbucks cups.
I'm so glad you have that sunroom to rest in. I know it is a beautiful spot and, since I actually saw it, I can picture you there.
As always, your are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.
Just spoke to your mother Joanne, and glad to hear you are holding your own, after blood tomorrow you will be energized again.
Nothing new with an of our gang, August will be nose to the ground for both of us.
Say hello to Gord and the boys for us.
Aunt Lorna-Mae & Uncle Tom
Keep up the good work!
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