"Stable - more or less" - I'm not making that up, that is what my oncologist pronounced! The CT scan showed mostly good news. Compared to October 31, 2007, there are no new areas of cancer, no new fluid, and mostly what is there is stable. However, two of the existing nodules (one in the lower left lung, and one of the mediastinel ones - hilar region) are each a little bit larger.
Bottom line, it would not be officially called "progression" due to the smallness of the increase, HOWEVER, it certainly an indication of which direction things are headed! So, I will be switching to Taxotere, and hopefully we will maintain good control with this strategy.
For about 20 minutes I even had a Christmas break - with the new chemo to start AFTER Christmas. I was pretty jubilent, however, due to the chemo bookings, it was impossible and I had to start mid-January or today. Since my oncologist did not feel it was wise to wait until January, I went ahead and had the treatment today. So, no Christmas break from chemo!!!!!
However, the scan news is still pretty good and we are grateful for that.
I hope you are all enjoying the season, with all the good times spent with family and friends and, of course, all of the good food!
Hi Joanne,
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that things are more or less stable. Serious bummer about christmas though. We were all hoping that you would have that time as a "vacation". Best to follow the doctor's advice though.
Take care. We all send best wishes.
Hi Joanne, This is great news!!! I am sorry that you had to start chemo again today, but I am sure that having the good news will make it a bit easier. I am sending you lots of love and hugs and I will call you soon.
Love, Loretta
Hi Joanne! Thanks for the update - was watching for your news today. It sounds like good news to me! Hope you will be over the worst of the chemo side effects by Christmas. I'm sure you were more than willing to get back at the chemo to keep things stable! Love, Nick & Lorraine,
We have been thinking about you to-day Janne, thanks for the update . You do what you gotta do as you have always done in the past. I am sure that you will still have a great christmas. We wiull keep saying our prayers for you.
Colleen & Doug flew with Peggy to Seattle tonight and Peggy is more her old self and she is thrilled to be home. They will have a quiet Christmas together, which is good news for newly weds.
We really appreciate all the love and support/prayers over the last month.
Hope this new chemo dosen't make you feel too sick.
Love LM & TJ.
That's fantastic news! Rotten that you don't get a respite from the chemo, but worth it as you know that it's keeping things stable ("more or less").
I've been thinking about you so much lately. I keep checking the weather in Regina and feeling grateful that I visited you in the summer! Keep warm!!!
tons of love, Fe xxxxxx
Hi Joanne,
oh my, you have been on my mind a great deal lately. Glad to hear the good news from your oncologist. It is a drag that your chemo treatment began again but prayers are flowing that you don't feel as bad with this chemo and that Christmas morning finds you feeling better so that you can enjoy the day with your family.
Love Jill
Merry Christmas Joanne, your news certainly makes our christmas brighter. Take Care and we hope that the chemo isn't too bad.
Love you
Hello, Joanne,
Thank you for the update. What good news to hear the word 'stable.' Starting chemo again this close to Christmas takes courage, so this note brings many prayers and good wishes for the medication to treat you kindly, and that by Christmas you'll have the energy to enjoy the day.
Thanks for the update. Hope that the chemo side effects are limited during Christmas and that you and your family have a happy holiday season.
Best wishes
Hi missus,
So glad to here that things are reasonably stable, but sorry your poor old bod didn't get a Christmas chemo break. I hope you tolerate the Taxotere well.
Quiet Christmas here for once. Just me and the guys, although we have a big family party on the 27th to go to.
Matt has a girlfriend at university, an American, but she's gone home until New Year's Eve, and they are going to see the New Year in in the big city.
I've got an offer to publish a book of my poems, small imprint etc, but still an exciting venture for me. And one of my photos got exhibited at the Scottish Parliament this fall, and won a few prizes.
I'll raise a glass to you and yours on Christmas Eve.
Hi Joanne, We are having a very snowy and in my opinion beautiful Christmas season her in the 'Peg. I love this time of year very much. I really appreciate being able to at least from a distance feel a part of your journey through this blog. Thank you. I continue to pray for you and your family and my wish for you this season is to have strength, joy and love all around you. Claire
Merry Christmas!!!
Hope everyone is having a great Christmas!! Hope to see everyone soon!!!
Love from,
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