Kelly and I got set on going on a "scrapbooking cruise" after we created Dad's birthday book, we got 'bitten' by the croppin' bug..... at any rate, we were all set to do a scrapbook cruise - with Mom, Karen Kelly and Joanne...... Sails from L.A. port and just 3 nights.... includes a day stop at Ensenata and cruising the rest of the time. Yippeee....
(OK, small detour, we couldn't make it on the scrapbooking cruise, but we are cruising anyway! We got a fantastic bargain on the fare, airfare, etc.... and we are GOOD TO GO.... Kelly is now the scrapbooking instructor, I am the cruise director, mom is the ultimate decision maker and queen poo-bah.... Karen will make sure we don't get arrested.... uh, Karen, of note in photo above, no glass bottles in the pool, could you keep control of your group, please!!!!
My health has been a bit of a disappointment, no change from last Monday. Side effects from Xeloda are accumulating, making some challenges.....
Anyway........ Get ready to cruise wity us!
Good morning Joanne - You are an excellent writer - I got excited just reading your blog, and I don't even like water. "Scrapping, pools, drinking with glass bottles, whatever - it sounds like you'll have a great time. How nice of you to invite the "ol' doll" (you know, the organized one!)
Sail on girls.... The weather and laughs will be good for the soul!
P & G
Hey I figured out how to reply. Oh Oh.......
You are too kind Gwen, but thanks for your excitement on our behalf. We are pretty excited ourselves.
You will all have a great time. Those of us that will be left behind are a tad jealous..... Oh well, I am very happy for the four of you.
Sorry to hear about the side effects.
Take care,
This sounds very exciting! You are going to have a great time. You are quite the veteran "cruiser" now, Joanne. When is departure? I look forward to your sharing of this trip on your blog! Sorry to hear about the side effects - not fun, I'm sure. Thanks for the update! Love, Nick and Lorraine
Sounds a great plan Joanne!
Put a scrapbook here so we can share the experience.
Sorry about the Xeloda, I hope the side effects are feet and hand problems, as I'm sure that must be hard to put up with.
Love as ever
e-mail me if you feel like it.
I have Matt doing his final school exams annd my MIL is in hospital, but I'm keeping on keeping on.
PS can you get water cress there?
I eat it a lot because I like it, but it is supposed to be really good for lung complaints, to the extent that they're trialing it for use in treating lung cancer.
I know you probably hate getting these hair brained ideas, but sometimes just doing something nutty feels like you're helping the cause :) e-mail me and swear at me ;)
No swearing Anna, but as my Canadian compatriats will attest, finding watercress here in our grocery stores (or market) would be like finding.......... lime leaves. IT's just not a watercress crowd around here!
Too bad, because when I've had it, I really like it.
Can't wait for the blog after the cruise! Good for you guys! Sounds great. Love your book club too. Always great to get ideas.
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