This is not a pitch for donations.... I know that many of you here have already donated, or you have many other worthy causes which you support.
I just want to honor my "team", the 2006 version is shown above - my sister in law, Karen, my brother Darry, neice Heather Sherlock (then age 12) and my sister Kelly. This year, they are joined by my brother-in-law Gary and by my neice Holly.
I am humbled and astounded that they are willing to make the effort both to raise the large sum of donations required ($2000/pp) as well as making that long long walk, rain or shine.
Please read their stories at the Joanne's team pages of the walk...... http://www.endcancer.ca/site/TR?team_id=24796&pg=team&fr_id=1203 I know they inspire and touch me.... and if by chance you have not made a donation, I think the grown-ups are doing fine, but the girls are a little behind.
Thanks you to Holly, Heather, Kelly, Gary, Darryl, Karen. You are heroes to me.
P.S. Day #3, Round #3 of chemo, a feel lousy, but sentimental and sappy sort of day!