Hello from Joanne, and happy belated "Valentines' Day ! Although, frankly, this day has never held a huge place in my life, I will admit that it was "sweet" this year to soak up all the love and good wishes that are permanently floating around my house.
I am doing better than I think anyone could have expected. The pnuemonia seems to be cleared up, I seem to have made it through the radiation without terrible ill effects, and in many ways my hospital stay was a good "tune-up" and it helped me in more ways than one.
I have a new schedule AND new additional meds for pain, and it has worked very effectively - I am in better shape pain wise than before the hospital, I think I just hadn't really noticed. Also, some of the unpleasant symptoms I had been having - such as those brutal coughing spasms, have really been under better control, again, with another new medication not previously tried.
While things were indeed quite dire and serious for awhile there, the emergency seems to have abated and I feel like I've managed to dodge the bullet, at least for now. It's hard to quantify, because things change slowly, but I do think that I am regaining strength. My oncologists are optimistic once again about my physical state, and are again talking about adding chemo (palliative dosages from now on) to see if they can improve my breathing.
One thing I CAN truthfully say, is that even with all my limits, I am truly able to enjoy my life, such as it is. I'm delighted to wake up to each new day and actually get excited about it, I'm all ready to roll when mom arrives at 8 am, and that is quite a new experience for a sleepyhead like me.
I do have incredible fatigue (expected from radiation and whole brain radiation) so I rest alot. However, that's my only "job" right now, so it is very doable, I have a huge network of support - especially from my mom and from Gord who make my life completely managable. Given that my energy is still so limited, I must of course "budget" it, and for me this means I continue to visit with family only at the moment. And I appreciate all of your understanding.
There really are no words for me to find, to express my gratitude and devotion, to all of you, my family and friends. Your support of me, and my family, each in your own unique way, really does make a difference. For me, it is tangible. Every kind thought, prayer, every item of food, every gift of cheer, of flowers and cards, even every bit of correspondance (email and snail mail still are best for me) lifts me up and helps me to face the journey. I think it helps my family in similar ways.
So, thanks so much to all of you, whether you know it or not, you make a difference.
Sending love to all - Joanne
You always take things as they come with such dignity and grace. You are truly an inspiration for me. All of our converations are treasured for all the insights and perspectives you bring to my life. I love you as always.
Oh Jo.... that's the best Valentines' present I've ever received! Tons of love to all of you
Fe xxxx
It is good to see, you are doing so well. Keep it up!
Joanne, when I grow up, I want to be just like you! lol... honestly Jo, you are simply amazing. As you can find no words to express your thanks, I can find no words that adequately describe your strength, your optimism, your courage. Dawn put it well though... dignity and grace. You have truly impacted my life in a way you probably can't understand. You have taught me not to sweat the small stuff, to take life as it comes, one day at a time; to enjoy the gifts and share the talents with our friends and family, that we have been given. You have shown me that life gives back to you what you put into it. I take time every day to think about and pray for you and your family. I take time to be thankful for everything I have today. I'm so glad you feel better. Love to all of you over there from all of us over here!
Jan Holland
Great Message Joanne!
You sound so great! I am impressed. I love your blog- always impressed with the photos/picture attached. Glad things are good at your house. Since you are feeling better, I just rented "The Jane Austin Book Club" and would recommend it. It is a chick flick but I like those. Hope you still have the Starbucks coming steady.
Oh Joanne, I am so glad to hear things are a bit better for you.
I think of you and your family every day and share the inspiration you give me, with anyone that will listen.
love and hugs
Hi Joanne:
So great you are feeling and breathing a little better. Your positive attitude comes through loud and clear and we must all take note. Thanks so much for each and every message, it is great inspiration. You are absolutely the most amazing lady! We think and talk of you often and send all our best wishes.
Love P & G
Hey Jo!
Good to hear your symptoms have abated to a better degree than previously. So relieved about that, here. :)
I'm happy that your quality of life is improving. You're beautiful, graceful and an inspiration to so many.
Grateful to be your friend,
Hi Joanne, glad to hear that things have improved. Thinking of you.
Wow Joanne, you always are there to inspire us all. We hope the notes that we drop to you give you as much strength as yours are for us. You are a truly giving person. Thank you for always being there. Valentines day is a lovely day with lovely things. Roses are always beautiful and so are cinamon candies wonderful. Take care, love the Tremblays
Hi Joanne,
Glad to have you back corresponding with us again. As all of the previous comments indicate your cheerful optimism is inspiring! How fortunate we all are to know you and learn from you.
We continue to think of you often and pray that each moment gives you joy. May you and your family feel peace and may there be many better days ahead!
Love and prayers
Hi! Although we certainly appreciate the updates from Darryl and "hacker Gord", it was great to see the latest post authored by you, Joanne. Good to hear that you are feeling "tuned up" and are enjoying life, even with its limitations. Like others are saying, the support that you feel from all of us is just one side of the coin. We all have been given a wonderful gift from you as we observe the way you deal with the unbelievable challenges that have come your way over the past few years. Take a minute to reflect on the positive effect you have had on so many people and please accept our sincere gratitude. We have learned much from you that will help us all some day when daunting challenges come our way. Hope the symptoms continue to abate after the radiation treatments. With much love to you and your family. We will continue to pray for all of you. N & L
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