Hello to all, and thanks to all of you for your continued support. I always get a thrill when I realize how many of you are out there checking in on me !!!!
I'm just now getting through the "worst" days post chemo (I had Myocet/Cytoxin #7 last Friday). I've begun the GSCF shots (Neupogen) and generally the remainder of the cycle goes smoothly.
However, I have hit a bit of a snag this week. For the past week or so I have been struggling with extra pain in the area of my collapsed lung. I've been trying various things to get it under control, but it hasn't really been working, and unfortunately, I was not aggresssive enough with my morphine. So I had a little pain crisis of sorts this week, and have really had to get back on track to get on top of that pain.
There is nothing (additionally) wrong with me, and in fact, my scans and physical exam in my lungs are good. But I still have pain, and so I have been getting help from my homecare nurse and my doctor. Hence, you may have noticed (both on this blog and in "person") that I have been sort of quiet. (Pain really sucks) But, I am getting on track - this basically means that I have to take more morphine. I am improving, and I'm hoping that we'll have this all sorted out in the next week or two...... At any rate, it is NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT....... Every day of living and managing a dynamic and life threatening diseasae can bring new challenges, that's all..... sometimes it's easy to forget that!
Otherwise, my family is also "stable" !!! Michelle and Craig are thick into mid-terms and assignments.... Brian continues to do well in Grade 11. Gord is taking some courses for the next little while, but he also continues to enjoy his job here in Regina. And my mom and dad help keep our operation running, I'm not just sure what things would be like without them, but since we do have that amazing level of support and love, we are able to just keep on living, and living pretty darn well too!
Cheers to all! Joanne