This is my new view, and I am lucky that I have such a beautiful sunroom to have such a good view in!
Well, I will try to keep this brief, but it has been a very incredible sort of week. Surreal, really,
So, at last post I had a pleural effusion drained and was recovering.
Well, something went sour with the pleural effusion drainage and a small part of my right lung collapsed. The drainage was malignant, which is just means that there is now an easy vechicle fo the spread of cancer elsewhere as fluid tends to move around. I still have fluid on my lungs but the prioirity was to do chemo immediately to try to improve the situation in the lungs.
Due to the pain of the lung collapse, I have been started on a morphine program. And due to the shortness of breath increasing and becoming worse (lung collaspse), I am now on Oxygen all the time and at home.
Today a hospital bed arrived, so I can sleep in a better position for my lungs. Also, we received a shower chair and a wheelchair. Oh and Homecare is providing me with anything we need.
I have suddenly moved from being independent to being not terrible mobile. And I am supposed to view this reduced mobility as saving my energy for things I really want to do. So, that's the view I am trying to take.
My fellow cruisers - Karen and Kelly, came here this week, and they are helping to get all this equipment settled and to make it as nice as possible for me. Mom has been here 24/7 since Gord is out of town at a course. I feel very supported as I travel this challenging path.
This has all been very unexpected and so it is actually difficult to comment on with any form of wisdom. We just keep getting through each day and are not looking too far ahead. My friend
Janice is bringing Michelle home for a visit next week, and Gord will get Craig after exams, it will be quite an adjustment for them to see me too.
THE one reflection I do have this week is the excellent care we have received from our much maligned "system". We have been treated with dignity and respect and with kindness... and SPEED.... I cannot imagine getting better service than we have had this week. It has been unbelievable and true cause for thanks.
Best wishes to all..... Joanne