We celebrated Mom and Dad's birthday a day early, on St. Patrick's Day, since Darryl and I had flights home on the actual birthday! The photo shows two of my nieces, Laurel and Heather, and my dad and mom.....
Thanks to everyone who contributed to my dad's 70th birthday "book"... it turned out really great and I am pretty sure it will be treasured.
Darryl and I had a great (short) trip to Phoenix to be there for the birthdays.... Darryl flew through Calgary so I had assistance for the flights, and that was great, plus, he then had the pleasure of my company !!!
Medical updates: I am in the middle of Cycle 3 of Xeloda....... feeling about the same, still some cough and shortness of breath and I need a lot of sleep..........
Upcoming: CT scan April 5, results April 10, keep your fingers crossed because all in all this is a tolerable chemo regime, probably the most "easy" chemo I have been on....