Well, today is the day I would usually go back for another treatment. So the chemo vacation officially begins today.
I am still quite fatigued, but it is managable, and will surely improve gradually! I have been a little worried about stopping the chemo, especially since it was working! However, the "break" will be good for me physically and I am working through being "bothered" by the uncertainty.
"The word which God has written in the brow of every person is hope" - Victor Hugo
"It is hope which makes the shipwrecked sailor strike out with his arms in the midst of the sea, though no land is in sight" - Ovid
So, it is onward-ho, and we keep moving forward! Upcoming medical events: November 1 (check up, blood work). November 27 (CT scan). November 30 (tentative) second opinion review at Memorial Sloan Kettering, NYC.