Well........... this seems to be good news............ I have just finished my last Cisplatin treatment (I will not have any more of that drug due to possbile toxicities). I had thought that the Gemzar (Gemcitibane) would continue for a while longer, to ensure stability or further fight back the disease.
My oncologist now feels that the August scan results were good enough to warrant a complete "vacation" from chemo for awhile. Her plan is to follow me with scans and keep a close eye on how things are.... she seems confident that we can get several months of "chemo free" time without compromising my overall state, just be watching whatever is going on right now.... of course, if things go downhill.... then it will be a swift return to another set of drugs....
Until I see the next scan, I think I'm going to be a bit nervous about this turn of events, however, she has great faith in this being the correct thing to do and I have a high level of faith in her... I may do a bit of checking around (this being my nature), possibly a second opinion as well........ For now though, once I finish the rest of this "set" it might be time to enjoy myself for awhile..... since my quality of life is good, it will be time to regenerate my reserves, regain my strength and do a bit of travelling. Note that we are not at a disease free state, so it is a "given" that a return to chemo will be inevitable..... she is hoping for 3-6 months of a break.
That's the latest news and while it has me nervous, it also makes good sense...... treating Stage IV breast cancer as a chronic disease is a delicate dance of finding chemo drugs that will work for me and keeping your body as healthy as possible to tolerate the onslaught.
It's time for me to pull out a dose of hope again.....
Hope is patience with the lamp lit..........Tertullian
A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains..... Dutch proverb